Meet the Villa Estrella Newsletter

We receive hundreds of email inquiries from all over the world. A community of like minded people who share our deeply held values about how life and vacations should be enjoyed. We share the deep common love of unspoiled nature, of ocean, we love privacy, space and peace. We avoid mass tourism and follow the path less travelled to an exclusive beauty where simplicity, luxury and nature meet.

Quinta Don Jose pool

Quinta Don Jose

We love the beautiful historic area of Tlaquepaque, which is almost an independent town within Guadalajara. It is rich with colonial buildings, historic atmosphere and absolutely full of wonderful life. If you hang around the main square area on any evening it’s always abuzz with wonderful people, vendors, music, food and fun.

The Mariachis in Tlaquepaque

On occasion we will travel to Guadalajara to do some shopping. The trip takes only a short amount of time and it gives us and opportunity to explore other areas in the Jalisco province of Mexico. One of our favorite places we have discovered is a city called Tlaquepaque, which is just east of Guadalajara. Instead of making the drive home the same day we will often spend the night in this charming town to take in the authentic Mexican atmosphere.