Walking Wellness Vacation

Mexico is the Perfect Place for a Walking Wellness Vacation

A walking wellness vacation is a hot new travel trend this year and Mexico has been named one of the best places to take this kind of trip. This type of travel combines the favorite activity of many travelers, allowing you to enjoy the country and stay fit at the same time.

There isn’t a strict definition for a walking wellness vacation except that you need to head away from home and walk around a lot. Instead of spending most of your time in cars, trains, trams, subways, taxis and other seated modes of transportation, these trips require you to get from point A to point B on foot.

Benefits of Walking Wellness Travel

Walking wellness travel has a spectrum of benefits. Though the most obvious is fitness, it only starts there. It means that while you’re away from home, you’ll be doing something meaningful for your physical and mental health even as you discover a new place and take in your new surroundings. These are benefits that you’ll be able to carry with you once you get home after you’ve left all the fascinating cultural discoveries and exciting activities behind.

One of the best things about walking wellness travel is that all you need to do it is a great pair of shoes appropriate for your walking surface, and the desire to do it. You can make your walks as long or short as you want. You can stroll at a slower pace to be able to look around as you go, or you can walk at a faster clip to be able to reach the next site on your list as quickly as possible.

Why is Mexico Fantastic for These Trips?

Mexico is a great place for walking wellness vacations for many reasons. While staying at Villa Estrella, you’ll notice that the weather practically begs you to head out and walk. Your first trip out will likely be along the beach, either on the warm sand or in the water as the waves lap at your feet. That said, from there, you’ll find countless day trips available to locations where you can take walking adventures through towns, villages, cities, other beaches, through ancient historic sites or even through jungles.

Take the opportunity to explore a part of the world that isn’t typically within your reach. If you need ideas for great walking wellness trips, head to the gate house to learn about some day trips within easy reach of your luxury villa rental and where you’ll be able to walk to your heart’s content in one of the most beautiful places on earth.