Meet the Villa Estrella Newsletter

We receive hundreds of email inquiries from all over the world. A community of like minded people who share our deeply held values about how life and vacations should be enjoyed. We share the deep common love of unspoiled nature, of ocean, we love privacy, space and peace. We avoid mass tourism and follow the path less travelled to an exclusive beauty where simplicity, luxury and nature meet.

Planning Puerto Vallarta Wedding

Planning Your Wedding in Puerto Vallarta

Of the villas available for hosting a wedding, Villa Estrella is the best, both for its beauty and high-quality accommodations. Have your wedding ceremony by the grand pool as a Mariachi band fills the air with music and hundreds of fresh flowers shower your guests with a beautiful aroma. Following your ceremony, hold your reception in the grand room underneath a masterfully-designed palapa roof and treat your guests to some of the most exquisite foods and drinks that Mexico has to offer.