Mexican Artistic Experience

A Mexican Artistic Experience – The Traditional Poetry of Visual Art

If you’re looking for a Mexican artistic experience while you’re staying in a luxury villa, you don’t have far to go. The Mexican culture is filled to the brim with different expressions of artistry. From poetry to visual art, there is a wealth of color and style virtually everywhere you look.

That said, while you’re staying at Villa Estrella, you may be inclined to remain close to the shore and all the towns, villages and cities you can experience along the coastline. That’s a natural inclination. After all, when you’re staying at a beachfront villa, where is the drive to go inland? The answer is a unique Mexican artistic experience at colonial Tepic.

The Tepic Mexican Artistic Experience

Driving inland for an hour to an hour and a half will bring you to Tepic, still within the state of Nayarit. This colorful city has a modest population of just under 350,000. It is built on 16th century pre-Hispanic ruins, providing a truly enjoyable historic and Mexican artistic experience.

Start by visiting the Plaza de Armas, which is a gathering place for visitors and locals alike. Here, you’ll see a line of history from the 16th century to the present. Continue onward and you’ll find yourself moving through the Presidencia Municipal and onward to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – as well as its defining symmetrical bell towers.

From there, it isn’t far before you can move among the gorgeous colorful fountains – where you’ll see people gathering to enjoy the view. If you’re hoping to get souvenirs, here’s your chance.

Taking the Mexican Artistic Experience to the Next Level

Wednesdays is the perfect time to visit if you really want to get moving with the locals. The danzon occurs on this day, letting everyone dance together on the cobblestone. This artistic tradition has occurred for some time and is something everyone consistently loves.

If you want to know the finer details of the poetry and art you see throughout the city, take El Tepibus for a guided tour. It shares the stories and legends of the main avenues throughout the city and will build a good foundation of Tepic’s history and artistic angle.

Where to Find the Hidden Gems

When you’re really looking for the Mexican artistic experience, don’t miss the colorful Viceregal buildings. Be sure to head into the Regional Museum, which houses astounding unique archeological pieces from throughout Nayarit. Be sure to go t the Palacio de Gobierno, where you’ll see unparalleled murals any art lover must enjoy in person at least once in their lifetime.